3 Ways To Save Energy (and Money!) This Fall

School is back in session, which means the long, hot summer is finally coming to a close. It also means there’s a new opportunity to lower your energy bills and save some money.

Not having to constantly run the air conditioner is definitely a relief, but there are a few other ways the changing seasons can put some extra money in your pocket. Here are 3 smart ways to cut your energy bill this fall:

  1. Change your air filters

Your air conditioning system has been working overtime to keep you cool this summer. This puts an increased strain on the filtering system, which helps keep out the dust and other particulates in the air.

Filters are generally hidden from view, which means it’s easy to take them for granted. But investing a few dollars in new filters now helps to keep your system running smoothly, which will prevent a costly breakdown in the future.

  1. Use your thermostat wisely

Turning off the air conditioner when you leave the house seems like a tempting idea: Why run your system if you aren’t there to enjoy it? But you’ll come home eventually, and when you do the first thing you’ll probably want to do is crank up the air.

But turning the air back on requires more energy than just leaving the system running while you’re away. Raising the temperature by a couple of degrees will reduce the amount of energy used, but the costs are minor when compared to turning the system back on. You’ll also feel the colder temperatures quicker when the system has been kept running continuously.

  1. Think about replacing your old windows

Simply upgrading your windows to new, more energy-efficient options can potentially save you $150 or more in energy savings each year. And fall is the perfect time to replace windows, before the unpleasant drafts of winter come calling.

The best way to make your home more energy efficient, though, is by consulting a local HVAC expert like Mitchell Heating and Cooling.

Mitchell Heating is a family owned and operated business dedicated to serving the Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia area through quality and affordable service. Whether you’re looking to make your home energy efficient or repair your HVAC, the team at Mitchell Heating has the experience to do the job right.

To schedule your HVAC services or for more information, visit mitchellheatingdc.com or call (202) 769-2840.

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